„Resilience and sustainability in
asset management and finance –
that is what I stand for.“
This is how Martha Oberndorfer outlines her approach to financial management. She acts as a management consultant, supervisory board member and finance expert, bringing a wealth of experience from top positions in the Austrian corporate and financial world and from international committees and programmes. She is widely regarded as an expert in sustainable finance, asset management and funding.

Martha Oberndorfer, CFA
Management consultant, supervisory board member and finance expert
Dr. Martha Oberndorfer, MBA, CFA has 20+ years of capital market experience, being highly connected in the field, and proven track record in the areas of portfolio management, sustainable finance, change management, crisis management, corporate governance and international institutions.
Martha Oberndorfer completed her education at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Business Administration and Business Education) and at the Business School University of Toronto/Canada (Master of Business Administration). In addition, she was the first Austrian to obtain the title of Chartered Financial Analyst at the CFA Institute, Charlottesville/USA, and attended numerous international executive programs and board training courses (Harvard Business School, Stanford, INSEAD, IMD, etc.).
Examples of Martha’s significant achievements include:
2019 – 2024
Member of Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group
2015 – 2018
Oesterreichische Bundes- und Industrie-beteiligungen (Austria State Holding Company)
Chief Executive Officer
2014 – 2024
Immigon Portfolioabbau AG
Member of Supervisory Board
2007 – 2015
Oesterreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur
Head of Debt Management Office of Republic of Austria
2006 – 2008
Bundespensionskasse AG (Pension Fund, sponsored by Republic of Austria)
Member of the Executive Board, Chief Financial Officer
1988 – 2006
Executive positions in private sector investment companies and banks
(e.g. Gutmann Group, Dexia Group)
As a management consultant, supervisory board member and finance expert, Martha Oberndorfer's range of services includes:​
Portfolio Reviews with regard to
ESG, Climate Risk
Classification according to the new EU taxonomy (Sustainability Criteria, Environmental/Social/Governance)
Demonstration of "Value for Money" for customers
Optimization of debt and asset portfolios
Adjustments in reporting with regard to ESG disclosures (Sustainability Criteria, Environmental/Social/Governance)
Relevance of documents for investor relations purposes and rating agencies, including the equity story
Avoidance of greenwashing
Voting policies
Engagement and Stewardship policies
Governance Structures of SME and Trusts
Recognized verifier for the Austrian ecolabel for financial products
Registered certifier for financial products eco-label (UZ49)
Expert opinions for courts
​certified and registered for
Sustainable Asset Management
Liquidity issues
Banking and stock exchange
Securities and Derivatives
Fund business incl. advisory and settlement
Investment advisory
Advice on infrastructure finance with regard to
Methods and instruments for projects with and without private capital participation
Infrastructure Finance and Sustainable Finance
Green Bonds, Sustainability Bonds, Social Bonds
Opportunities for the "Green Deal"
Public Finance
Debt Management
Liquidity Management
Projects including elements of private capital
Trainings, lectures and studies
News and publications
Dec 2023 | "Mein Geld bestimmt das Aussehen der Welt" - Börsenkurier Anniversary edition ESG – Round Table Contributor
15/04/2021 | "Is there a price to be paid for ESG investing? – – Appearance as a speaker
04/2021 | "Einblicke in die Arbeit der ESMA/SMSG" – FACTS Austrian Economic Chambers – Article
23/03/2021 | "Nachhaltigkeits-Rankings und ESG-Publizität - neu am Dashboard der CEOs" – Study by Martha Oberndorfer (in German)
23/03/2021 | „Heimische Börsekonzerne bei Nachhaltigkeit im Verzug“ (Domestic stock exchange groups behind in sustainability) – Kurier – Article
22/03/2021 | "ESG Disclosure and Scoring – A new feature on the CEO Dashboard" – – Insight
25/11/2020 | „Trends – EU Action Plan – Theorie und Praxis“, International Bankers Forum – Appearance as a speaker
24/07/2020 | „Voting Matters! | ESMA SMSG“, – Shareholder meetings in times of the pandemic
02/07/2020 | „EU Taxonomy – The Metrical System of the 21st Century“, Maleki – Future Europe Sustainable Europe_On the Occasion of Germany’s Presidency of the European Council. Building A Sustainable World in the Time of Corona. Global Virtual Conference 2020, Appearance as a speaker (Topic 7)
06/04/2020 | Editorial on EU Taxonomy Regulation, ÖKO INVEST Nr. 681/20

Financial and capital market
Banks | Asset Manager
ESG Disclosures
Public Finance
Sustainable Finance & Climate Risk
Pension funds
Green Deal and Bonds
Investment Management
Crisis Management
Austrian ecolabel for financial products
Recognized Authority in the certification process for
the ecolabel for financial products (UZ49)
>> Ecolabel
Member of Supervisory body
>> KAF
Interessensverband fuer Anleger (Investor Advocacy Group)
Member of the Advisory Council
Commercial Court of Vienna
Generally Sworn and Certified Court Expert
>> List of court experts
Privately Owned Packaging Company
Chair of Advisory Board